From NBC Los Angeles

A University of Southern California student has accused an Uber driver of raping her after driving her home from a party.

The alleged assault happened in a residence after she was taken home from an off-campus event in downtown Los Angeles on April 25, a Los Angeles Police Department spokesman said.

The woman reported the alleged rape three days later, telling officers she could not remember what happened after she used the vehicle to return home. She said she had contacted the driver and he told her they had consensual sexual intercourse, however she does not remember giving consent.

Investigators are questioning both parties about what happened. Uber has suspended the driver pending an investigation.

“As soon as we learned of this situation we started an investigation and reached out to law enforcement to offer our help,” an Uber spokesperson said.

USC issued a crime alert after learning of the incident.

Students often use Uber cars to travel around, and there is even a test program in place that allows students to use the service when school-run transportation is especially busy on certain nights. But some are already making alternative plans in light of the alleged rape.

“It’s too much of a risk,” student Hannah Hardy said.

Student Taylor Chapman said it is important for women to look out for one another when using such services.

“Buddying up, making sure that there is someone else that can at least help, we can be accountable for one another,” Chapman said.

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