From NBC Los Angeles

An Uber driver who was on his way to pick up passengers after watching the Super Bowl at a bar was arrested Sunday north of Los Angeles with a blood-alcohol content more than three times the legal limit, police said.

Robert Wing, a 46-year-old Simi Valley resident, was stopped by police about 1:45 a.m. for slowing down at a green light and having no front license plate, according to the Simi Valley Police Department.

While being questioned by an officer, Wing allegedly said he was trying to make some extra cash after watching the game at a local bar and had already picked up two or three passengers earlier, police said.

“The driver was unaware of his physical location due to his impairment and was relying on his GPS to direct him where to go,” police said.

A DUI test showed Wing’s blood-alcohol content was .25 – more than three times the legal limit of .08 for motorists with a Class C driver’s license. Uber drivers are not required to hold a commercial driver’s license, which holds an even stricter legal blood-alcohol content limit of .04, according to California DMV spokesman Jaime Garza.

The officer searched the car and found a pair of empty Coors Light cans under the driver seat.

Wing was taken into custody and his car was impounded. It wasn’t immediately clear if he had an attorney.

In a statement, Uber said it was working with law enforcement to assist in the investigation.

“We have a zero tolerance policy for alcohol or drug use for anyone driving on the Uber platform,” the statement said. “We are clearly disappointed to hear that something like this could have occurred and have permanently removed this driver-partner’s access to Uber.”

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